
Tips for Managing Online Classes Along with Work

Tips for Managing Online Classes Along with Work
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Working and studying concurrently can be hectic. Fortunately, institutions are now embracing remote learning, which is more convenient for students who are working.

Remote learning means that you can attend classes from anywhere. The e-learning mode has made it easier for working individuals to enroll in various courses without compromising on their work engagements.

However, you still have to make some adjustments to your normal schedule to guarantee better performance. So, if you are planning to begin online classes, we’ve prepared some tips for balancing work and studies.

Common Challenges Experienced by Working Students

Working students often face a myriad of challenges, whether they have enrolled for online learning or attend physical classes.

The primary challenge is often finding a balance between work, personal life, and studying so that the compromises made do not affect each aspect of their life.

Let’s take a look at some common challenges working students often face.

Lack of Self-Motivation

Most times, the lack of self-motivation emanates from fatigue. It arises due to having to deal with work and still keep up with personal life. When one is fatigued, it might be hard to gather the strength to study or even work on bulky assignments with tight deadlines.

Sometimes, self-motivation is influenced by external factors such as healthy peer competition. For individuals studying online, it may be hard to gain motivation since there is no visible competition compared to those in physical classes who experience healthy competition from their peers and a push from the lecturers. 


A working student’s schedule often revolves around work and studying. Such a schedule limits time for hanging out with friends and family.

It thus limits one’s social interactions and may lead to loneliness in the long run. Studying also comes with various expenses, and one may be forced to take up extra shifts to foot some school bills, which means that you have less time for socializing.

Time Management

Finding the right balance when it comes time is a common challenge for most individuals attending school and working concurrently. You have to find the perfect schedule for all your work, school, and personal activities every day.

Failing to manage time well could put you under pressure with assignment deadlines, and you might find yourself asking, “Who can help do my assignment for me?” Also, you might fall behind in your work responsibilities, leading to more work-related stress.

A quick fix for this is to properly manage your time by prioritizing tasks. Know what’s urgent and important and complete it first before moving to the next thing. This approach will ensure that all crucial activities are handled first, thus easing pressure.

Top Tips for Managing Work and Online Learning

Now that we have highlighted some of the common challenges experienced by working students, here are some solutions to ensure every aspect of your life is attended to.

Create a Realistic Schedule

A realistic schedule helps manage time well as it assists in easing the pressure of dealing with several things simultaneously. A good timetable agenda slide also helps you prioritize, which is essential when balancing work duties and school life.

Setting priorities will help separate urgent issues from those that don’t need instant attention. In this case, your top priorities will be school, family, and work, while other activities may be attended to later. Sometimes, your social life and hobbies will take a hit.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that this is a phase in your life that will end, and you can go back to hanging out with friends and exploring more.  

Set Aims

Aims give you a solid structure of operation. Thus, they should be realistic but challenging enough to keep you on your toes. Setting your aims gives you a clear framework on how to go about your studies. With such a structure, you will find yourself studying more without feeling strained or demotivated.

Additionally, objectives make it possible for self-evaluation since you will have a comparison scale of your achievements against what you were aiming for.

Identify Your Preferred Study Time

The convenience that comes with remote learning is that you can create your study schedule. Most of the applications used for online learning allow one to record their classes, and you can catch up with it later. All you need to do is find the perfect time to study without distractions.

If you are a morning person or a night owl, you can settle for either of the time and dedicate it to your studies. By identifying your preferred study time, you can easily plan your day.

Talk to Your Employer

When enrolling for online studies, it is essential to update your employer about your venture since you may need days off to sit for exams or handle school projects. Keeping your employer informed is also a way of letting them know that you are focused on your professional growth.

And here is the bonus: by letting them know that you are furthering your education, you may even be considered for a higher position in the organization. 

Get Rid of Distractions

It may feel okay to respond to one or two work emails; however, such distractions may lower your concentration level. And it could be catastrophic when doing an important task like writing an essay. The distractions will easily kill your motivation to write and make you buy essay to avoid missing the deadline.

Therefore, to be on a more focused level, you can get rid of any devices that may shift your attention. Online learning allows students to take charge of their learning environment, unlike in a physical class where the teacher can help determine how the environment will take shape.

For better concentration, you can create a study spot in your house that is free from noise or any other distractions, such as screens.

Set Attainable Goals

Our goals often determine how hard we work, hence the need to set attainable aims to avoid overstretching. Sometimes, we are so ambitious that we forget to consider our well-being. Setting goals that are not achievable could lead to depression since you may start feeling insufficient.

Before setting any objectives, you first have to identify your potential and how much you are willing to stretch to achieve them. It is also best to give yourself enough time to achieve those aims.

Integrate Your Studies with Your Daily Tasks at Work

The best way to balance between your work and studies is by finding a way to blend the two.

Aligning your school work with work responsibilities helps you get practical knowledge and gives more room for revision of the theoretical information learned in class.

Moreover, integrating the two allows you to save time since assignments will be much easier to handle.

Prioritize Self-Care

Working and studying can take a toll on your body. If things aren’t managed properly, you might experience burnout, which can make you less productive in school and at work. So, you need to also take care of your body by not pushing it too far.

Sleeping and maintaining a healthy diet are some of the easiest ways to practice self-care. Taking good care of yourself helps you maintain a healthy mental space, even on days when the pressure is too much from school and work.

Find Time to Relax

Staying up late to finish assignments or catch up with a complex concept may seem like the right thing to do. However, you may only realize how much your body is straining once you start experiencing fatigue.

Therefore, to avoid reaching such an extent, it is best to spare some time to take a break from school and work activities. It’s normal to feel guilty when relaxing and have several assignments and tasks from work to handle.

However, it would be best if you did not let the guilt consume you. Taking some time off to catch up with a movie, work out, or hang out with friends will reset and clear your mind. Other things to do during the break include:

  • Strolling
  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Interacting with your loved ones
  • Dining at a restaurant
  • Taking a nap
  • Organizing your study table.


The convenience of online learning is unmatched. It is why most individuals in the job market are currently enrolling in online courses to further their studies since they do not have to compromise on their work engagements.

However, as a working person, you will need to put in the necessary measures to ensure your school and work schedules do not collide.

Finding the balance may be challenging, but with proper organization, you can hack it. The main objective is to achieve better results at school and work without overstretching.

Approaches like creating a good schedule, setting attainable goals, finding time to relax, and getting rid of distractions will help achieve that.

After enrolling for your online classes, your life may take a juggling shift, but it is important to remember that it is a temporary phase that requires dedication.

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Tirupati Gumpula

Tirupati Gumpula is an Internet geek, Work from Home dad, and founder of this website. He loves to share his experience in Business, Marketing, and personal finance topics. For more details Email: [email protected].

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